Q: How is the Eagle Fund different from the PTL’s fundraising efforts? The PTL raises funds annually through specific fundraisers, including Bids for Kids in the fall and the winter annual Eagle Evening gala. Funds raised from the efforts of the PTL are for specific projects to enhance our campus and support teachers. The Eagle Fund will benefit the entire program by filling that margin of excellence that goes beyond the basic needs of the school program.
Q: Who benefits from annual giving to the Eagle Fund? Our entire community benefits from the Eagle Fund. Our Savior Lutheran Church opened its school as its top mission in Houston. The small band of faithful Christians who gathered together in this part of Houston sought to include Word and Sacrament and teach the Word of God to their children, sharing their faith and faithfully carrying Christ’s message of salvation to our community.
Each and every OSL scholar benefits from the Eagle Fund! When OSL scholars learn from exceptional teachers, participate in field trips, use new sports equipment, sing or make beautiful music, or create works of art at OSL, they reap the benefits of Eagle Fund dollars.
For it is a grave and important matter, and one which is of vital concern both to Christ and the world at large, that we take steps to help our youth. . . . My dear sirs, if we have to spend such large sums every year on guns, roads, bridges, dams, and countless similar items to ensure the temporal peace and prosperity of a city, why should not much more be devoted to the poor neglected youth–at least enough to engage one or two competent men to teach? - Martin Luther
“To the Councilmen of All Cities in Germany that they Establish and Maintain Christian Schools” (AE, vol. 45, p. 350)
Q: Who participates? Eagle Fund annual giving is our "all-in" fundraising program. The Eagle Fund campaign is accessible to every community member. The Board of Parochial Education, faculty, staff, parents, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents, friends of the school, foundations, and businesses are all asked to participate. OSL strives for 100% participation from families, Board members, faculty, and staff.
Q: Why is it essential to support the annual Eagle Fund?
- Eagle Fund donations are vital to offering our excellent classical Christian education to as many families as possible.
- Strong Eagle Fund participation reflects a strong school community. When we apply for support from foundations and corporate donors closely aligned with our core values, these organizations often look for high participation rates when determining their potential support.
Q: What is the current funding profile for the school?
➢ Tuition dollars 62%
➢ Church support 22%
➢ Fundraising efforts - PTL 3%
➢ Special Gifts - memorial funds, one-off donations of assets 13%
*OSL Church has determined that it will no longer receive government funding.